The name chosen by the lead co-organising entity, Paris, the Home of International Arbitration, says it all.
Paris has traditionally been and remains one of the preferred seats of international arbitration proceedings by parties, arbitrators and counsels alike. This is also evidenced by the large community of international arbitration practitioners based in Paris. This success has naturally been closely linked to the presence of another co-organiser of PAW, the International Chamber of Commerce, in Paris.
Finally, the historical and ongoing rich academic debate on various issues of international law and international arbitration in Paris of which the third and final co-organiser of PAW, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, is an active participant and representative, continues to contribute to the popularity of Paris.
We do not mention naturally the beauty of Paris nor the exceptional dining and entertainment options to invite all to join us in attending the first edition of the Paris Arbitration Week.
Should you wish to sponsor the Paris Arbitration Week, please contact the Organization Committee at the following address: